Collectives From The City of Public Employees: Ankara/Anakara/Angora vol.2
Even though one rejects, almost everyday s/he faces with the hues of nationalism, religion; differences between cultures, nations, continents. Art, however, may be one of the few notions that connects people regardless of the knowledge that there is me and the other. Art is the focus point that is forcing me to write about the collectives of an almost forgotten city in terms of the vague ‘art market’.
ğ is the 9th letter of Turkish alphabet. It softens the word, by only being used in the middle. For Ankara, it is the name of a collective that is active since August 2011. They are one of the few ones who take steps instead of just complaining about the impossibilities.
Besides home and street exhibitions, collaborations with other collectives and musicians, ğ/ yumusak g also organize music events by inviting artists+musicians such as The Raws, Ses Perisi, Seni Görmem İmkansız, Kim Ki O − I also had the chance to listen Digits, a Canadian electro-pop musician, based in Berlin. Some merges traditional sounds with synths; some really ‘performs’ in terms of performance art. In Acoustic Trauma, November 2012, several musicians that never played together before were invited for an evening in order to use music as a rapid communication method. The Ğ mix and radio program for, every Tuesday, is also worth mentioning and listening.