Czarny Neseser Gallery

Submitted by: Beata Wilczek

Czarny Neseser, in polish black briefcase, is a pix gallery with a small space of only four square meters, having a large exhibiting potential. Czarny Neseser, run by Beata Wilczek, is focused mainly on promoting intriguing artists and representatives of the local artistic community. On the assumption that Czarny Neseser creates a kind of a bracket, we fill it with certain values that require specific actions, like e.g. separation, exclusion, magnification or suppression. They mainly consider phenomena that are puzzling, mysterious and strange by nature. Czarny Neseser is an extension of the “official” program of gallery Design – BWA Wrocław (Poland).

curator: Beata Wilczek
producer: Karolina Pietrzak

Michał Smandek, Yulka Wilam, Anna Kołodziejczyk, Beata Wilczek, Grzegorz Łoznikow, Fanny Schlichter, Elena Gallen, Ewa Żuchnik, Lubomir Grzelak, Magdalena Frankowska