Eva Kotátková
(Imitating the Mountains, 2005)
Eva Kotátková lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic. At the age of 25 – she became the youngest artist ever to be awarded the Jindrich Chalupecky Award for young artists in the Czech Republic. The basic techniques that Kotátková uses in her work are: drawing – her many drawings are initially created without a set intention, which only later is revealed in the final form and content; and video or photographed performances, which could be characterised by their playful exploration of the artists immediate environment – and herself.
(The Walk to School, 2008, still from video)
(Mound, 2009, still fro 10 min. video
Old household furnishings and items are dumped in a mound in a remote corner. Here, a group of people attempt to make themselves at home with this pile of discarded objects. Thier interventions range from chaotic redeployments up to systematic sorting and construction. A re-identification and re-utilitzation of the objects takes place during the process, where items are often assigned new roles and uses, with little regards to their original functions.)
(from the series Home Detention, 2009, color photograph)
(Drinking from a Puddle, 2005, color photograph)
(Walk, 2005)
(Home Detention, 2009, installation made from text-books, photograph: Jiri Thyn)
(Seated, Standing, Lying Down, 2009, still from 4.5 min video
A group of three people confined in wooden cages in the most basic positions: Seated, Standing and Lying Down. The cages are connected, and together they form something like a set of furniture.)
(untitled, from the exhibition Controlled Memory Loss, 2009)
(Jindrich Chalupecky Award Finalists Exhibition, Jeleni Galerie, Prague
view of the exhibition Behind Between Over Under In (the Room), 2007)