Info Stoas
Into Stoas by Natassa Pappa is an attempt to map the exits of the stoas located in the commercial triangle; the chaotic Athenian district which is ideal for inquisitive strolls. Starting point were the exit signs on some of the remaining passage entrances, which maintain a surreal detail often overlooked, while revealing an alternative walking network away from traffic.
The guide “Into Stoas – Athens Walkthrough” (Paperkingdom editions) keeps the exit signs reference in an archaeological sense with a set of 8 postcards and maps the exits in four different indexical ways, in order to provide the user the necessary tools to access the city’s bounty, without orders, cliches and prefabricated images. Moreover, it leaves plenty white space in every stoas spread to be filled with the explorer’s walkthrough notations.
The guide followed a series of creative collaborations, more yet to come. First, A Future Perfect created a set of concrete coasters “Into Stoas (Index)” and then emerged the development of the short video “Passage”, a collaboration in itself between artist Theo Prodromidis and photographer Peter Nikoltsos. For the products’ launch, Fixers printed all the stoas in 3d, as part of a puzzle.
You can order the guide “Into Stoas – Athens Walkthrough” at Forget me not and the concrete coasters “Into Stoas (Index)” at Future Perfect shop.