Open Set 2013
The Dutch Graphic Design Summer School ‘Open Set‘ is a two-week intensive series of workshops emphasizing on the interaction between noted Dutch and International graphic designers within a studio environment. Open Set is structured to offer participants the opportunity to experiment with different design approaches as well as share their ideas with colleagues from around the world.
The event is addressed to young designers, creators and thinkers fascinated and passioned by their profession. The goal of the event is to promote the quality of design and enhance it’s social value by creating a platform for debates, exchange of knowledge and experience.
As the theme for this year’s edition we will question the role of “Autonomy” in a totally designed culture and it’s influence on social values. We assembled this idea under a single term called “Commonomy”. The starting point of the discussion is the critical role of the designer within the cultural, political and technological development and the designer’s influence on social changes. We are focusing on what design can bring into the life of a community and on how design can be influenced by social processes.
Is there a place for the traditional meaning of Autonomy within the field of design or it should be redefined? We will examine the methods, aesthetics and techniques of critical, social engaged design which takes place in contemporary times.
Tutors and lecturers
Open Set 2013 will consist in workshops and lectures by Jonathan Barnbrook, Petr van Blokland, Max Bruinsma, Jan van Toorn, Geert Lovink, Martijn Engelbregt, Willem Velthoven, Catalogtree and Casco.
The flexibility of the schedule is one of the key points of this years’ edition. You can either apply for the full summer school program which consists of three workshops, or attend to only one. The full summer school application includes also the lectures, studio visits and final feedback.