BYOB at W139
BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions curated by different people around the world. The idea is simple: Find a place, invite many artists, ask them to bring their projectors.
BYOB is a way of making a huge show with zero budget. It is also an exploration of the medium of projection. BYOB is an acronym for “Bring Your Own Beamer”. In Europe projectors are often referred to as “beamers”.
BYOB in Amsterdam is curated by Rafaël Rozendaal.
Participating artists: Aukje Dekker, Anika Schwarzlose, Champagne Valentine, Ewoudt Boonstra, Eline Mul, Elza Jo, Father Futureback, Helma van Nuenen, Jonas Lund, Job Wouters, Katja Novitskova, Kristy Fenton/Foom, Sterling Crispin, Matthijs van Henten, Maurice Trouwborst, Melanie Bonajo, Miktor & Molf, Nicole Martens, Peter Luining, Pinar & Viola, Sasa Ostoja, Simon Wald Lasowski, Wyne Veen.
September 10, 2011, from 9pm
W139, Amsterdam
The Berlin one is all ready passed, but if you hear about another one or want to organize one? Drop us a line.
Via: Manystuff