Limner: A Critical Illustration Journal

Studio Operative is a small arts publishers run by Peter Willis and Miriam Elgon. They publish small run artists editions of books and prints, but our most significant project is Limner, a bi-annual critical journal of contemporary illustration.

They have launched a kickstarter campaign to fund their next issue.

The journal aims to be a relatively informal print space, developing the dialogues that exist in art school and between practitioners daily into a prolonged and documented discussion about the industry, it’s education, the theoretical ideas that surround it and it’s social impact.

It is, however, also of interest beyond the illustration industry, the essays included are accessible and relevant to anyone who is interested in visual culture and creative practice and the journals main content is beautiful, interesting and exciting contemporary images and illustration.

The second issue of the journal was released in January and was very well received, it is stocked across the world and is distributed with Antenne in the UK and Europe. Their Kickstarter campaign acts as a pre-ordering system so anyone who wants the next issue can pay in advance in order to help it be printed. There are also more funding packages for anyone who feels they can offer more with rewards of other books and prints.