The (new) book of questions
With the headline “Close, Closer” the upcoming edition of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale will “put forward an alternative reading of contemporary spatial practice. For three months chief curator Beatrice Galilee and curators Liam Young, Mariana Pestana and José Esparza Chong Cuy will examine the multiple possibilities of architectural output through critical and experimental exhibitions, events, performances and debates across the city.”
In 1974 Pablo Neruda published his best-seller “The Book of Questions” : poems in the shape of questions, observing whatever surrounded him , with the wonder of a child. It is in this spirit that the project ”The (New) Book of Questions” is founded: to observe and question the “territories in process” we live in, rather than to “answer” them. These questions will lead authors and lectors into the realm of further observation and, if lucky, further questioning. The aim of this “book” is to become a device or tool for thinking, observing and understanding the landscape, city, and space. The (New) Book of questions will document, in the format of questions, different perceptions of the territory during a year.
Submission guidelines.
Send your question(s) regarding the territory to thenomad.mail(at) with the Subject: Question. Or via Twitter (See example here) . You can create your own question(s) or quote someone else ( send : author and year , if possible, or if it is a tweet, the link to it.). Include your name, country, website and/or Twitter user. Submissions can be in English or Spanish.
“The (New) Book of Questions” is a collaborative on-going project. The deadline is Nov. 8th 2013