What is the future of architecture? II
After a very successful first edition of the participatory book ‘What is the future of architecture?’ (available in our shop here) we are very happy to announce our decision to do it again and present – ‘What is the future of architecture? II’!
The future of architecture is a participatory book project, initiated by Crap is Good. The book consists of and depends on participation and collaboration. It is entirely independent from funds, sponsoring or organizational support and therefore relies completely on its concept. The project experiments with collective authorship and alternative ways of (crowd-) funding.
Going through the answers we’ve gotten last year, we can say there are some recurring assumptions, a red line weaving its way through the book. The book, consisting of 53 very different takes on the same question – ‘What is the future of architecture?’ – takes us from fiction stories to a philosophical email discussion, through series of images and photography, to science-fiction and poetry. While leafing through, often a blurry image would come to mind, an imaginative glimpse of the future.
With the same motivation as last year, we are in search for all possible takes on the question ‘What is the future of architecture?’. We have invited a series of innovative architectural practices, thinkers and theoreticians to share their view on this impossible question and are soon open to receive yours as well.
For all further information and to participate pass by our project website – www.the-future-of.org