en todo caso, nunca es una mano cualquiera
This numbered, handmade edition is on sale as a new way for BDP to raise capital to make the book to coincide with the two part exhibition Office Party by Lorenzo Sandoval. This really ambitious project takes place across two cities, Valencia and Berlin, in Galleries rosa.santos and Kinderhook & Caracas (Berlin opening April 24). The edition was made on a letterpress and on found sepia twinged paper, it comprises of one of the 17 photos Sandoval gave to writers María Ptqk, Anna Sophie Springer, Eirik Sørdal, and John Holten, inviting them to compose narratives around them, creating a spectrum of voices that in turn are housed and presented in Sandoval’s carefully constructed office environment. The forthcoming book by BDP promises to extend this spectrum and tailor made aesthetic, furthering this investigation into multi-authored, environmental narratives.
Workshops take place also as part of the exhibition project and indeed the text of the edition poster was born in the workshop in Valencia in Janurary, echoing the poltical scandels that have erupted in the country earlier this year.