Open call by Büro NTMY
Büro NTMY & Praterstraße Berlin invite you to survive with them…
CALL TO ACTION – Deadline 05.11.2012:
What would You take on a desert island?
Please send your answers to:
This question will be the starting point and red line of the exhibition and numerous events taking place from the evening of the 6th of nov. 2012, 6 p.m. at gallery Praterstraße Berlin in cooperation with the berlin based graphic design collective Büro NTMY. The Exhibition called “A Temporary Island” is looking at the the topic of “survival” in a loose and playful way with an emphasise on a graphic design point of view.
Robinson Crusoe, Urban Gardening, selfsufficient lifestyles, apocalyptic survival bunkers, utopia of a new society: There are many images and references that come up when hearing the words “lonely island” or “survival”. Facing climate changes, crashing markets, explosion of consumery behaviour, food scandals, nuclear catastrophes as well as the “end of the world”: What would “survival” actually mean to you, me, each one of us? What do we really need to live? How much nature is left in us? Which opportunities could a “desert island situation” actually bear?
In view of current events to come (≥ Apokalypse), Büro NTMY would like to approach to this complex topic in a playful a graphic way. The Answers of the Call to Action will be turned into works by Büro NTMY that will be seen on the evening of vernissage but also throughout the period of the exhibition. On the night of the vernissage every visitor can create a small sculpture themselves from a a number of “survival kits” that are being supplied by NTMY and Praterstraße. They will be the source for a SURVIVAL TYPEFACE that Büro NTMY will create during the time of the exhibition and which will be presented on the day of the finissage, on 24.01.2013*.
*A Catalogue will also be presented on that day.
Throughout the exhibition, there will be lectures and workshops scratching the topic of survival in one or another way. We would be pleased if you subcribe to our newsletter – to keep you updated.
All upcoming events will be announced separately about two weeks before taking place.
Vernissage: 06.11.2012, 18 Uhr
Exhibition: 07.11.2012 – 24.01.2013
Galerie Praterstraße Berlin
Bergfriedstr. 20 /Ecke Wassertorstr.
D-10969 Berlin