Review: It’s a Book, It’s a Stage,It’s a Public Place
The Leipzig book fair is one of the biggest in Germany. Each year the event grows with visitors from all over Germany and Europe. The event mainly takes place in the ‘messe’ but also appears in the center with over 280 manifestations in and around the city. Off-course on an event like this also the smaller, alternative- and self-publishers can’t miss.
In the Central Theater, Specter books called togethers some alternative distributers and publishers to put up a stand (the full list at read more). They provided a platform for speakers (amongst them Zak Kyes) to give a talk about their work and an insight into their design practice in an intimate atmosphere. Its a great initiative, and seeing the success of last year and this year’s edition I’m sure it will keep growing and developing.
Be sure to put it in your agenda for next year, and in meantime you can check the pictures of this years edition at read more.
Mit AKV Berlin / Archive Books (Berlin/ Turin) / Argobooks (Berlin) / August Verlag (Berlin) / Bedford Press (London) / Eastside Projects (Birmingham) / Edit. Papier für neue Texte (Leipzig) / Edition Fink (Zürich) / Edition Taube (Stuttgart) / EXP.edition (Stuttgart) / Gagarin (Antwerpen) / The Green Box (Berlin) / Hands on Papers (Karlsruhe) / Hellozine (Köln) / Institut für Buchkunst (Leipzig) / Journal of Aesthetics & Protest (Los Angeles) / Lubok Verlag (Leipzig) / MZIN (Leipzig) / Motto (Berlin) / Space Poetry (Kopenhagen) / Spector Books (Leipzig) / Wolfgang Fietkau Verlag (Kleinmachnow)